Chiropractic Wellness
Chiropractic: Why Choose Conservative Care First?
Scottsdale Chiropractor, Dr. Jolene Kuty has been a member of the American Chiropractic Association for many years. This shows why chiropractic conservative care is all encompassing and effective. Call us to begin your health and wellness treatment today.
FDA Issues Warning Over Spinal Corticosteroid Injections
FDA Issues Warning Over Spinal Corticosteroid Injections According to the Los Angeles Times the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning that corticosteroid injections “in the spine’s epidural space” may “in rare cases” cause “loss of vision, stroke, paralysis and death.” The injections are commonly used to treatRead More >
Pain: Chiropractic Can Help (video)
If you have pain, chiropractcic can often help! This video explains more.
Joint Injury Prevention: “Move It or Lose It”
Human joints come in many shapes and sizes. They allow us to move and carry out normal activities of daily living. Without joints, we would be rigid and immobile. But joints are often injured, causing pain and discomfort. Dr. Kuty commonly treats injured knees, shoulders, ankles, and spine joints. Approximately 30 million doctor visitsRead More >
Feeling Rusty
Take awhile to loosen up in the morning? Stiff, tired joints can leave you feeling older and less vibrant than you are. Motion is life! Leave your body still too long and it stiffens like this rusty nail. Stiffness is caused by a lack of joint motion, whichRead More >
Chiropractic for Seniors
“That’s my usual pain.” “I’ve had that for years.” “That’s just old age.” I hear these statements over and over from patients. We have been taught that seniors get old and should expect to live in pain with reduced function. I assume that all people should have full function andRead More >
The Economy = Prosperity? How much is your health worth…
Would you say that you are prosperous right now? What do you think of to answer this question? Most think of their ailing portfolios, job security, and mortgage payments, but what about your health! Remember that your #1 investment is YOURSELF! Taking care of yourself saves you money.Read More >
1) CROSS TRAIN! Your body will be conditioned best by cross training, doing different activities on different days. For example, in a week’s time go for a swim, sweat on the elliptical, hike, work on your gym ball, do yoga, and go dancing. Or stick to your routine,Read More >