Dave Owens, The Garden Guy tours Dr. Jolene Kuty’s chiropractic business, which is based around her home garden and four kids. She teaches patients how to integrate healthy living and learn how eating organic, local produce benefits your life inside and out.
It’s an example of the urban farming concept, and enjoying the lifestyle of having an edible landscape, no matter how big or small your space is. She has a half an acre of 24 fruit trees, a veggie garden, chickens, and more. It’s all about promoting the organic and healthy lifestyle. For more info: Call 480-945-7800 and visit KutyChiropractic.com
Watch the video:
Kuty Chiropractic was featured on the News with Dave the Garden Guy. Dr. Kuty shows how to integrate healthy living to benefit your life inside and out.
We were so excited to see her on tv this morning! What a wonderful place that she and her family have created. My husband looked up from his magazine that he was reading and said, hey look there is my doc!! Well done Dr. Kuty
Such a sweet message, thank you. We are honored to serve you and the rest of our community with holistic family chiropractic care! We hope to see you soon.
Saw it! Great job! I am so impressed!
Thank you so much! We are happy to share with our community!
Great Job Dr. Kuty!!! Hope all the people I’ve been telling about you got to see it!!! The kids and I just love you and your space!!! Thanks for sharing so generously with us and everyone!!
Thank you! We are glad to share this healthy, inspiring space with the community.
Oh my god! I thought that was a real bird by the mattress lol, nearly spooked me! This is pretty neat and very cool! Congrats on the news segment.
I love that you have used your 1/2 an acre so wisely. 24 fruit trees plus a garden, AND chickens. Wow. This is a great idea! Get rid of grass and just create food! Awesome work!
Thank you. We love our healing Chiropractic space.